Questions To Ask To Your DUI Attorney


Thanks to the increased number of law enforcement, the numbers for DUI cases have come down however, the figure is still quite a lot as it ranges from a million motorists arrested in the US. In most instances, misdemeanor is being charged to those who are involved in such cases. While this might sound innocuous enough, the penalties and fines that come with conviction might be severe. With this in mind, here are the top 5 questions you need to ask when you are about to interview a DUI attorney in Las Vegas.


Question number 1. Are you specializing in drunk driving cases - the reason why you should ask this is that, there are many different specialties in the field of law. As for example, there are lawyers specializing for personal injury, bankruptcy, real estate and so on. So as much as possible, you want to hire a lawyer who isn't just experienced but at the same time, is well versed in dealing with these kinds of cases.


Question number 2. Will you be the one who would defend me - as for the larger law firms, the senior Las Vegas DUI attorney you have spoken to in your initial consultation isn't always the one who would handle your case. Quite likely, they will send their associate to represent your case on their behalf. So if you would like to work with the lawyer herself or himself, you need to ask this questions from the very start.


Question number 3. How you are going to charge me - the truth is, this one is dependent mostly on the seriousness of your case and the lawyer you have hired. But oftentimes, the attorney will be charging you an hourly or flat fee. As a rule of thumb, if this is your first time to be charged with such case, you'll go better with hourly rate as these kinds of cases don't often take long hours. For more info about DUI lawyers, visit


Question number 4. Are there additional fees - there are legal professionals who sometimes not inform their clients on the additional fees. Sometimes, they are evaluating to interview witnesses or file motions on your behalf. And as such, it is necessary that you ask this question right from your initial consultation to make yourself aware of the fees that may incur throughout the duration of your case. Visit our page at  for more info.


Question number 5. What are the feasible outcomes - giving predictions of what the outcome will be like is something that reputable lawyers don't do. But giving you idea of both your worst and best case scenario is what they can do instead.